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Revel in unbridled joy through 'Alpviraam'


We use commas quite frequently in our sentences. Have you noticed how the right use of this punctuation mark helps us take a small pause and continue? It makes the sentence more meaningful, cohesive and wholesome, thus adding depth to what we want to say. Commas are important, both in gram

mar as well as in life.

Life is a ceaseless race; from cradle to the grave. From making career choices to chasing dreams, we are on our toes, forever. In fact, we often tend to miss the good things in life because we are in pursuit of something that is trivial and inconsequential. The fear of missing the bus prevents us from stopping and appreciating things around us. This long linear race gets a pause only when we are finally hit by life. Ever wondered what is the point of this mechanical living where, in the words of WH Davies, “What is this life, if full of care. We have no time to stand and stare.”? Why should we wait to be knocked down hard on the face by life?

Taking breaks is essential to keep life on track. Breaks help to kindle a sense of positivity and keeps the mind focused. Studies have proved that having a positive attitude makes one more productive and opens up new vistas in the corners of mind. Positive thinking helps in differentiating between living and existing. It has a comprehensive effect on our thought process and helps us strike a balance between professional, personal and social life.

Having said that, do you remember the last time you paused intentionally for yourself? Wondered if there was a time when you snoozed only to take a deep breath, walked barefoot with mind decluttered or stared at the wall without having anything to think of? The pause is not limited to taking regular breaks from our mundane routine, it is more about pausing our thoughts, our anxieties, our inhibitions and illusions. This pause is important, simply because no matter how hard we try, something will always be left behind. There will always be something to worry about and it is an unending process. Based on the fundamental understanding of fullness in life, Anand Rajya Anand Sansthan, Madhya Pradesh, a part of Adhyatma Vibhag, runs a unique initiative ‘Alpviraam’. The programme aims at bringing a positive disposition in the outlook of individuals in general and government employees and officers in particular. This initiative encourages people to develop positive thinking in life and learn the art of taking mindful pauses. Fully aware that an overall feeling of well-being cannot stem from materialistic prosperity alone, the employees need to have a fundamental understanding of what a balanced, joyful and complete life means. One-day Alpviraaam programmes are organized on a regular basis by the Rajya Anand Sansthan in Bhopal as well as other divisional headquarters. It has also been the endeavor of the Sansthan to make available trained volunteers called Anand Sahyogies, who conduct the Alpviraam programmes and help ushering in a positive change in the working of government offices and in the mindsets of officers. Such programmes are also conducted by trained Anandak (volunteers) in all the districts of the state for a duration of 2-3 hours.

On first and fourth Saturday of every month the Rajya Anand Sansthan organizes Aplviraam sessions from 10.30am to 2.30pm at their respective offices for all the members and volunteers. Anyone willing to participate can register at

Life is too short to just whine and regret. To make it more meaningful and worthy, it is important to let your hair down and go with the flow, taking small pauses in between. Make this ‘Comma’ a part of your life to replenish your thoughts and rejuvenate your productivity. Experience the Alpviraam programme to get a new direction and purpose in life. MP MyGov invites individuals who have attended the programme to share their experiences and inspire others. Also, do not forget to suggest activities that you think could be taken up during these sessions to make it more purposeful. Take a pause, share your thoughts and help others unwind.



©2022 by Shayali Choudhury

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